Tag Archives: blackberry

A frugal apple and blackberry pie


Frugal because the blackberries came from Hampstead Heath and the apples came from my Grandma’s garden (in return for my husband being the only person present tall enough to get the apples from the top of the tree). I would normally make a giant crumble with such a bounty, but man cannot live by crumble alone and so a pie seemed in order.

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Bramble tart


I don’t appreciate paying for blackberries. At this time of year, when they’re to be had in parks and by railway lines for only the price of a few scratches, paying £3 for a couple of boxes seems perverse. And the berries you get are always oddly large and eerily identical. I am easily swayed though and one look at the recipe for this gloriously purple tart (from Olive magazine again) was enough to make me forget my principles and send me straight to Sainsburys. Continue reading